Meet your Section Officers for 2024-2025

During the 2024 Conclave held at Camp Bullowa in Stony Point, NY Section E18 elected new officers.

  • Section Chief – Vincent Mirabella
  • Section Vice Chief – Derek M.
  • Section Secretary – Jake Harmon

Vincent Mirabella was elected to a second term as Section Chief. Serving as Section Chief during the 2023-24 Scouting year and as Section Secretary during the 2022-23 Scouting year he brings a great deal of experience to help the lodges of Section E18. A Vigil Honor member from Kintecoying, Vincent is also set to serve as the NOAC Conference Vice Chief for the Elevate Festival at Colorado University Boulder this July.

Derek was elected to serve as Section Vice Chief and hails from Mahicantuck Lodge. A Brotherhood member, Derek is excited to provide for a great SWFT Conference and Conclave in Section E18.

Jake was elected to serve as Section Secretary. He is a Brotherhood member and the immediate past Lodge Chief from Kintecoying Lodge and is excited to keep all of the section up to speed with information on our website and social accounts.

Join us in congratulating our three officers for the 2024-25 year!

Section Adviser Chris Philp and Associate Section Adviser James Farrell look forward to a great year with an excited group of officers!